
Canada earned it’s first gold medal in the TO2015 PanAM games, in the women’s K4-500m race.
Oakville’s KC Fraser helped the team earn the medal, along with Emilie Fournel from Montreal, Michelle Russell from Fall River NS, and Hannah Vaughan from Dartmouth NS.
Canada defeated Cuba (2nd) and Argentina (3rd)

The Halton Regional Police investigation revealed that the 42 year old female victim lost balance near a lookout in an area on top of the escarpment, at Mount Nemo. Burlington Firefighters, followed by members of the Halton Regionl Police carry the victim away from the trail. Eric Riehl / Metroland Media Group

Burlington’s Santa 5k 2012 – around 4000 people dressed as Santa running through the streets of Downtown Burlington.Here, Santas huddle to check results of the race.Eric Riehl/Metroland Media Group

The Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life was held in Oakville, at Appleby College. With participants camping on the field, and walking the track around the campus from 7pm to 7am. Here, Jaiden D’Ambrosio sits atop his father, Orlando’s shoulders, as he tries to pop a bubble.Eric Riehl/Metroland Media Group

North Oakville Touch Football Association held their annual charity touch football tournament, the fifth annual Ocho Bowl. Football stars Michael Pinball Clemons, Damon Allen, Duane Butler and Wayne Smith each played with a team. Proceeds went to Michael Pinball Clemons Foundation.Here, Pinball jumps to block a throw meant for Wayne Smith (white).Eric Riehl/Metroland Media Group