Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located, and do you travel?

I am located in Mississauga, and frequently travel throughout Peel Region, Halton Region, and Toronto. I am available for bookings across Ontario.

How many photos do you deliver?

Each session is unique, and my main goal is to provide you with a variety of images that tell the story of your day and capture every element of the event. Depending on the length of the event, photos delivered can vary from 50 - 500.

How long will it take to receive my finished photos?

To capitalize on the excitement on the day, and the significance of the moment (and something to post to social media) 1-2 edited images can be provided within 48 hours of the event, with the remaining photos being delivered within 4-6 weeks.

What is included in the package I book?

Each package is unique, with specific delivery requirements offered. Packages can include digital delivery through Google Photos or WeTransfer, USB delivery, or canvas, metal, or glass printing.

What is your experience?

My experience includes a degree in photojournalism and countless assignments as a community newspaper photographer where I photographed a large variety of subjects and themes in every situation imaginable: portraits, breaking news, large government announcements, small government announcements, outdoor sports, indoor sports, in-studio, outside (sunny days and rainy), and more.


If you have a specific question, please get in touch – I am happy to provide you with more information.